Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Introduction / 1st post

Hello and welcome. This is my 2nd blog and I pray it'll stay for good. The 1st blog I had and still have is on Multiply. Apparently many people (ok ok, it's just one. *all fingers and toes points at LING WEI*) were complaining that they couldn't spam my blog with comments since they had to sign in just to do it. People are generally lazy to create new accounts (that includes me ;p). Besides that, my family members are always getting confused on how to actually post a comment to my side of the blog and not make a post of their own which is suppose to comment on my post. @@'ll Mien god...

As a result I started this one. Well...actually, I'm just trying it out but I might like it. ;) Currently this blog is still empty of applications and junk. Please bear with me... I ain't that tech-savvy either. >.<

What else should I say on my first post?? *think think think* It's irritating.. Most of my thoughts and ideas of blogging normally pops up real fast when I'm bathing. All the contents of what I might type just flush out from me brains. When I'm blogging itself...my brain automatically sets itself to MALFUNCTION MODE. = ='

I'll just stop here for now then, until I can figure out what more to type. =p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Harlow Knees

Oh well, I am the first to comment ark ark ark....ah so.....it is vely verly nice, I love the picture, thought, it look like a shark until you mention that it is a Dolphin????? so..yes....in multiply, I am very very blur, don't know where I am writing into.... mine or yours or hers??????? and yes we have to log in to write.....so very lazy too.... especially for old folks like me....ark ark ark.... writing to an OLder folk....like my knees ark ark ark......

so...hmmmm yes vely vely nice...and I have to test my eye sight....for word velification ark ark ark.....ah....must change my specs....sheeesh.... vely expensive to change so I make do and take out my specs to read.... SO keep up the good work...Blog...Knees...ark ark ark... signing out...this site looks nicer....till I raid it again...BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! your Aren't