Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tag 2 : From KY Who Got It From Sarah xD

Rules & Regulations:
-do not copy answers
-the tag questions must be 100% the same
-tag people after doing tag -no tagging back

I tag :- (It's gonna be the same people as the last tag 'coz those are the only ones I know with blogs. xD)

1) Bernice
2) Chooi Yee
3) Julia
4) Lynn
5) Ling Wei
6) Woan Wei
7) Yin Khuan
8) Yin Yi
9) Zie Wei

1.How do you know 1?
Primary school. I don't remember in detail though. xp

2.What would you do if you never met 2?
I won't do anything 'coz it's assumed I'd never met her!! @@

3.What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?
Firstly, I don't two time. Secondly, I'll faint.

4.Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
Besides their names ending with 'Wei', I seriously have no idea. @@

5.Do you think 7 is attractive?
In her own unique ways, I suppose. =)

6.Do you know anything about 8's family?
Uh...enough to satisfy me. xD

7.Tell me something about 9.
Most definitely fanatic. *nod nod*

8.What language does 2 speak?
English, Bahasa Melayu, Cantonese, Cuteness

9.Who is 3 goin out with?
Now is it that guy? Or that one? *scratch head*

10.How old is number 4?
Younger than me by 6 months. xD

11. 5?
5 what?

12.Who is 6 favourite singer?
Most likely someone singing Studio Ghibli's songs.

13.7 ?
What about 7 now??

14.Is 8 single?
Looks like it. Oo But you'll never know. xD

15.What is 9 last name?'s already written at the top. = ='ll

16.Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
Hell no!

17.Which school does 2 go to?
Sunway University College

18.What do you like about 3?
Watashi wa KERUSI!! xD xD xD

Tag 1A: Follow Up From Original Tag

I know it's been awhile and I'd totally forgotten about it until I saw the 'Tag 1' post when I was rereading all my posts. Plus, since I don't have much to blog lately, I pray this would do for now. =) For you: Lynn, Saru and Kitsune.


1. What’s the relationship of you and her/him?
a) Lynn ~ Former classmates, good friends and...well...I'm not exactly an underling according to Akuma's hierarchy. lol Ally? xD

b) Saru ~ Friends??? In an annoying way. ;)

c) Kitsune ~ Good friend + half owned pet + supposedly senior in co-curriculum. *cough* =p

2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
a) Lynn ~ Artistic, Interesting, Cute (like her emoticons) xD , Shy (when taking pictures especially *stares*), Nothing like a fish. xD

b) Saru ~ Annoying, Cheeky, Rough, Odd, Professional.

c) Kitsune ~ Short (Sorry!! >.< ), Smart, IT savvy, Attention seeker, Temperamental.

3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
a) Lynn ~ Ammg your butt butt. xD xD

b) Saru ~ Yo!

c) Kitsune ~ Nya~ (doesn't have much definition, yes, I know) @@'ll

4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you

a) Lynn ~ Help me play Audition and let me play her PSP while she was at it. xD

b) Saru ~ Choking me. = ='ll (not a very decent thing definitely)

c) Kitsune ~ Understanding.. Thank you. =)

5. If she/he becomes your lover, you will
a) Lynn ~ Hog her PSP. xD

b) Saru ~ I'll cry..

c) Kitsune ~ Hog her underground laboratory for aircon. xD

6. If she/he becomes your enemy, you will
a) Lynn ~ RUN FAR FAR AWAY!! Coz I know it's not Lynn who'll come after me, it's the rest. >.<'ll

b) Saru ~ Not be bothered. Zzzz.. xp

c) Kitsune ~ This is tricky. It depends I guess. Oo So I ain't answering. xp

7. If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on
a) Lynn ~ Her confidence. *nod nod*

b) Saru ~ Her roughness.

c) Kitsune ~ Uh..clingyness?

8. If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is
a) Lynn ~ I didn't belanja her ice lemon tea. xp

b) Saru ~ I dunno. Oo

c) Kitsune ~ I hurt someone dear.

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
a) Lynn ~ *poke poke* lol

b) Saru ~ I have no desire to do anything to her. *shudders*

c) Kitsune ~ *poke poke* xD I'm a boring person, deal with it.

10. The overall impression of him/her is
a) Lynn ~ Complicated

b) Saru ~ Lost

c) Kitsune ~ OK xD


Sorry if the answers are really vague and such but my mood for blogging is seriously down the drain, so yeah.. >.<

[NOTE: Sorry about the fonts. Blogspot is being nuts. = =]

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Post-exam + Early Christmas Party

Finally! I'm back and yes, I owe you readers and this blog an update since I'd been missing in action for quite a long time already.

Well, exams..don't really wanna talk about it actually. Some were manageable somewhat, some were difficult in their own unique ways, some were just difficult 'coz I was not well prepared. Sigh.. *prays hard* Well, I'll have to work really hard next year due to certain factors. So.. *prays even harder* T.T uuuu...

Holidays started with.. *think think* I don't remember.. @@ Well, I know I tried playing some PS2 (yeah, it's horribly dusty x.x) but I kept dying in every game. So sad... = ='ll Then the next day...was somewhat a productive day although Kendo was hell. T.T Now I'm all achy.. I even had to wake early today (most likely slept three hours only) to send my mom off to KLIA. x.x She's in India for holiday. ^^ Mom, enjoy yourself ya! =3

Just few hours back I attended my boss's (Mr Chang, although I prefer to call him boss. xp) very early Christmas party. I was a 'lil reluctant to go actually since I still lack sleep and don't really wanna go anywhere but I went after all and it was a good choice. =) I was the third, I think, to arrive although I thought I was late already. ^^'ll Felt a 'lil ackward since 'ice-breaking' ceremony had yet to come. While waiting, I became my boss's temporary doorkeeper. Buka door when orang datang. = ='ll Need to charge him liao.. *evil laugh* Kidding. =p

When all arrived, the dinner menu was announced to be....Popiah!! And only popiah. Hahahahah!! The special thing is...we have to wrap the popiahs ourselves. That was challenging. @@ The whole objective was for us to practise wrapping those popiahs so we can make a so-called decent one for the competition. Yup, we're playing with our food. xD xD The popiah contest was split to two categories. One being the BIGGEST popiah and another being the most creative popiah to resemble a Christmas tree. x.x I entered into the creative one of course after having the experience of an over-loaded trial popiah. Hahahah. Me greedy. =p

I tried to make a standing Christmas tree popiah. It looked more like a 'jung' (Chinese dumpling) instead. = ='ll So I wrapped around it with lettuce to make it look green and added chilli drops for 'ornaments' (Note: I had to eat my own creation later. @@). I also added small pieces of papaya as the 'presents'. First time in my life I had papaya... = ='ll Then again, I believe as I grew up, I often ignored the taste of many things. Just chew chew chew, swallow. ^^'

Anyway, the conclusion of the contests. For the BIGGEST, there were only two participants. xD xD So the guy won although the girl's was neater. The creative, some guy named Handsome.'s for real. = ='ll And I thought he was joking at first. Bet he must be very perasan. *shrugs* The prizes were cash prizes. >.<>

There were also presents for everyone. =3 I got the 'biggest' and it was a decorative Christmas tree. ^^' Then there's carolling. The carol song list...40 songs?!! Crazy!! Of course we only sang 4. *phew, wipes sweat* Oddly I was rather nervous there. Most likely 'coz I didn't know few of the songs and wasn't really sure about my voice. >.<>

Everyone was chatting after all the excitement. That was when the house was really noisy. @@ But not as noisy just yet...some of us made it worse, mainly my boss's daughter, me and another two ladies. =p We were playing 'Split' with Uno cards. xD Got so excited and fun that we made so much noise on our own by laughing sampai my boss's wife came out jawdropping. xD xD Had to force ourselves to stop the game. Hahahahah!! And we left the house saying that we have to practise more at home in preparation for next year's party. xD xD Geng!!

Oh!! Before I forget, we had DELICIOUS desert. ^^ Someone in the group made caramel...something...cake. xD Topped with chocolate. Mmmm~~ It was truly sinful. xD My boss's wife even gave me some to take home although those weren't with the chocolate topping. It was still as good! *daydreaming look* Hahahaha.

Well, that's all for today and it's late. Need sleep... *crawls to bed* x.x

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tag 1: From CY

Apparently you're suppose to do the following questions based on the person who tagged you. Then...if many people want to know what you think about them, you have to do multiple tags?! OMG... @@ Habis lor... Anyway, here goes:


Him/Her refers to CY (Her)

1. What’s the relationship of you and her/him?

Friends since Standard 4.

2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?

Unique looks, temperamental, mild Gothic, difficult to understand at times and comments.

3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.

Rejection of some sort. xD (That's not a very good memory. Oo)

4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you

She fought with two other friends just to partner with me during line-up. @@'ll

5. If she/he becomes your lover, you will


6. If she/he becomes your enemy, you will


7. If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on

Her temper.

8. If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is

About something that I don't understand but she does.

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?

Poke her butt butt. xD Kidding. =p (Sorry Lynn, I pinjam the word kejap. =p)

10. The overall impression of him/her is


11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?

This varies from each person. Where should I start? lol

12. The character of you for yourself is?

Cool but uncool. xp

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?

Lazy mostly. xp

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?

My true self. I'm still looking for it. Maybe it hid under the table. Oo *go look*

15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.

Thank you. =)

16. 10 people you tag:

@@ *starts counting the ppl I know who have blogs* Sorry to those who got retagged. ^^"

- Bern
- CY xD
- Julia
- KY
- Lynn
- Ling Wei
- Woan Wei
- Yin Khuan
- Yin Yi
- Zie Wei

17. Who is No. 2 having a relationship with?

I...seriously have no idea. @@

18. No. 3 a male of female?

Female. Oo

19. If No. 7 and No. 10 were together, would i be a good thing?

No. 7 would want to eat 10 and 10...besides running away, might take a hammer on the way to hit 7. ^^

20. How about No.5 and No. 8?

I assume they don't really know each other. Oo

21. What is No. 1 studying about?


22. Is No. 4 single?

This is tough. She's legally single but not in her head. xD

23. Say something about No. 6?

Monkey want banana? =p


I know some already got tagged by others. Don't necessarily have to do for me la if it's too much of a hassle. It's just for the fun of answering the questions. =p

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mamma Mia!!

*background singing ABBA song, shaking butt to rhythm* OO didn't read that. xp *tries to censor*

Sorry la.. Everywhere also playing ABBA songs thanks to the show 'Mamma Mia'. xD It's really fun to see them sing and play in the show and whats more..they can make a show out of those songs as dialogues. xD Cool~~ x3 (JH, your mom lagi geng. She watched twice. xD Faster go watch la. xp)

*cough* Ok ok. Actually I made this post special for Lynn since she's so me make that pretty astrology banner. T.T Thank you Lynn!! I'll buy you more Ice Lemon Tea and Skittles next time. xD Bribery liao. <.<>.> =p And also...'coz she'd pestered me to blog on her behalf about an outing I had with her. xD (No's not an obligation, don't worry. ^^)

Erm erm... We impromptu just decided to go out to sort of release stress kat Sunway arcade before Lynn starts her new semester. =p That's the first time I agreed to Nandos. T.T Normally I boycott it 'coz the service is slow like tortoise. = = And and...'coz their company mascot chicken has a spotted tail. = = Looks more like a feeble chicken...see also no appetite liao. xp

I had a burger and Lynn had....chicken. xD It was amusing to see the results of her cutting the chicken, so messy. xD Ended up, I had to help her clean the chicken of excess meat. But due to that, I made Lynn extra extra full by accident. ^^' Sorry ya. You could have told me to finish it. xD Lynn also refilled her Ice Lemon Tea thrice. @@'ll Geng... I only had 1 cup of Coke le.

Before our meals, we were actually looking around the whole place in Nandos. There were few signs (like those roadsigns sort, but instead it's in the restaurant), one of them says 'Only HOT staff allowed'. OO So corny.... xD xD xD Then at a table beside ours, some lady was served kebab I think. Oo And it was hanging vertically from a steel stick. I almost imagined that she had to tilt her head just to eat from the stick. Ganasnya. xD

^^ After Nandos, we spent few hours in the arcade trying to finish of our RM20 worth of tokens. xD Played many shooting games and few other games too. ^^ But always mati cepat one. xp I think we wasted more time trying to figure out what to play. xD Pai seh pai seh.. =p

After arcade and Lynn getting another cup of Ice Lemon Tea from GSC, we headed off to JCo. xD Somehow I still prefer Big Apple. =x The people there much friendlier and helpful. The doughnuts are almost the same anyway. *shrugs* The most interesting part is their vacancy ad. Read the first post in the picture below: (Yeah, I had to take a picture of it. xp)

Yup, that explains a lot about their staff too. xp But I still packed two boxes of doughnuts back home for everyone to try. =x Except that most of it was finished by me and my uncle. <.<>.> What?? xp

That's all about it for the day. =3 Now who wants to go Karaoke with me and sing ABBA songs? xD Kidding la. *keeps a look out for flying Irish potatoes*

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Random stuff + Quiz: What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

Erm erm...I'm gonna be random. Ngehehehehe. >)

Random thing No. :

1. I drove my boss's manual car on Wednesday to D'sara Utama and back to office. The car died 5 times. =x Oops.. But but...ok what! Long time never drive manual already mah. >.< =p

2. Frequent water shortage around Sec. 17, PJ. T.T But I get to bathe at my mom's apartment today. So nice. x3 Mom, I'll be visiting again the next time no water. HAHAHAH!! =p

3. On the way back, I saw FIREMEN playing badminton at FIRE STATION!! So cool~~ x3 But if got emergency they have to take off the badminton net quick lor. xD

4. My mom got a lighter that looks like a mini fire extinguisher. Such irony. =x

5. Today's internal exam...I cheated. But my teacher also made us cheat! =O She told us exactly which question is coming out! Although we didn't do it in class, I got the answer from ACCA's website itself. =x Erm erm..but I didn't read the answer properly 'coz lazy. So doesn't count wholly right? =p

6. I did an illegal turning today. Results: A motorcycle hit my car. >.< (I bet they were cursing me. >.<) But but...the jam was terrible.. T.T If I didn't do that turning, I'll be stuck there forever!! Uuuu... Sorry..

7. I stole quiz again! This time from Yin Khuan. =p Results are as follows: (Kitsune, I have almost all the paragraphs in your result except for two. But my results are longer...maybe because I used my full name. =x xp)


You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable.

You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people. Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.


Eh...I think this quiz ain't so accurate. =x But you can still try for fun. =p

Link link:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quiz: Personality Quiz

Heheh I got this from Lynn's blog. =p (Yeah, I'm stealing quizzes besides emoticons now. xD) Seems ok. Just tried it out for fun. xp I assume it's rather accurate? You be the judge. ;)


Your Result

You are a very balanced person. You know when to be funny and crazy but also when to be serious and smart. People look up to you because of your intelligence and leadership skills. People often go to you for advice or just to have fun. You have a lot of friends but only a few close friends. You probably like to just tell people what your thinking to express yourself.

You are very comfortable with who you are and aren't afraid to say what you think. You have probably been in love and understand that it has its ups and downs. You aren't afraid of the future although you know it won't be an easy experience. People see you as a kind, smart, funny, opinionated person.

Color: Orange (Oooo..)

Animal: Eagle (Yes! >D I like eagles. =3)

Quote: "You can take the kid from the fight but cant take the fight from the kid." (Hey, at least I'm not bullying the kid myself. <.<>.> xp)

Strength: Comfortable with who you are. (Hm...I guess. =) )

Weakness: Brutally honest (Eh..sorry to those who got any brutally honest remarks from me then. =/ But you most likely deserved it. *hums* xp )



Go ahead and try it out. =D No harm. xp Enjoy~! =3

Friday, September 19, 2008

Quiz: What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

Uh..I just came across it in Chooi Yee's blog (yes, the previous quiz was from her too. lol) and decided to play for fun. But...the results are freaky~!! T.T uuuuu....

Your Birthdate: July 3
You are certain and confident when you choose to love someone.
Even though your romantic choices may be unconventional - you stand behind them.
Your friends never know you as well as a romantic partner does.

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 3

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 5

You are most compatible with people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month.



Have fun. >.<

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mooncake Festival

Date: (English calendar) 14 September 2008
Day: Yester-day
Venue: Sunway Uni --> Home --> Puchong grandma's place --> Home

Sunway University
  • Attend class
  • Got piled up with exercises
  • Saw Zie Wei, chat chat + half dead after class
  • Had home-made 'peanut paste' tong sui (aunt made)
  • Waste time waiting to go to Puchong = watch downloaded shows
  • Dinner (fast and simple)
  • Bathe
Puchong grandma's house
  • Raining
  • No moon, no lanterns, no candles
  • Eat mooncakes
  • They "DBKL" the rest of the tong sui I brought over
  • Listen to irrelevant matters
  • Online
  • Zzz Zzz Zzz

It was SOOO productive that I could list everything down in point-form. = ='ll And so depressing..Mooncake Festival with NO MOON. *sits down and wails*

Friday, September 12, 2008

As A Kid...

Ever pondered back and wondered about the silly little things we do as kids back then? Or coincidentally noticed a kid doing something you probably had done when you're much younger? Well, most probably not very often since most of our lives are hectic with schedules and whatnots. We've finally evolved into the adults that we once use to look up to, wondering what's wrong with them. Now we know! Hahah!!

Yeah, so I think it's good that every individual take some time off once in awhile, say with a cup of coffee or tea, and just relax. Ponder back and smile at the little silly things that we once did as a child. Or maybe go out with a group of friends and just share. =)

So here! I'm gonna start sharing whether you wanna read it or not. xD (I sound like as if I'm making it an obligation to read. =p) Hm...I was driving yesterday to college and I suddenly wondered as I look at the cars on the opposite road...that when I was much younger, I use to look out of the back glass and stare at the car behind. I bet the drivers must have thought either "What a cute kid.. (no I'm not trying to boast. xD Just a probability of what might have crossed the driver's mind) Shall we say hi?" or "What's wrong with that kid staring at me like that..." Hahahha!! Wanna know what's going on? Here's the truth:

I was actually staring at the headlights. I never took notice of the drivers or any other humans in the car. XD XD XD When the headlights are on at night, it seems to give personality to the car. Like...the headlights make the car looks angry or cool or etc. =O imagination. =p But maybe that's one of the factors that makes a car look more attractive than the other. Vios!! *drools* xD

Hm..we can be silly even as adults. Especially when we say something wrong. =p Just the other day I saw a Vios pass by when I was in my mom's car. Then I told my mom that I like the Vios. She asked why. My answer: "Because it looks like a Toyota. ....wait a IS a Toyota!!" xD XD XD Silly me. =p

But it's the sillyness that keeps people laughing no? ^^ Of course, don't purposely go trip over something la. xD That one ah...aiyo...I 'no eye see' lor. xD Ok la. That's all for today. ^^ I'll just end it with a picture of...a VIOS!! >D

Saturday, September 6, 2008

'No Spanking' Law

I heard about it from the radio few weeks ago? They were trying to implement it in another country. So I just randomly started pondering over it again just a while ago. Before I proceed, anything mentioned in this post and any other post is just a personal opinion and nothing more. Please don't get offended or anything. ^^' And please don't sue me for my opinions just 'coz I don't have children yet. =p

There were many times as I watched others or even younger children behave in a bad way, be it being part of their personality or just having a mood swing. Sometimes I wonder...if they were ever spanked or in anyway punished by their parents before. Sure..nowadays many couples have this policy of 'no-spanking' their beloved offspring as they believe they may educate their children in a different manner. But what if the children suddenly starts to tear the house down? (I didn't mean literally, but something that's almost just as bad) The adults just wanna talk it out with the kids after the house is down maybe and pray the kids don't tear down the remaining apartment? Come on... Surely the adults aren't going to let the kids repeat their mistake over and over again when they seriously don't listen. Of course, if they do listen, by all means use the 'talking' method the next time they do something wrong.

Besides, not spanking your children can sometimes cause more stress than not to the adults. Then the adults start spanking other adults. (Oops..naughty thoughts. =p) Well, no one is asking you to swing a bat or pan at the poor kid. (The kids' only pitiful when punished that sadistically, so the word 'poor') Nor spank your children for every other minor things like not wanting to poop when you want them to. (Babies and young kids do that but hey...stealing ain't a minor thing. Stealing is a crime. It can get you to jail.) If you need to spank for minor things, maybe do it lightly (like sweeping) or playfully.

I believe there are many parents who give harsher punishments than spanking like not allowing the kid a meal or even leaving the kid outside the house alone at night. Although it may be effective but that can be very damaging. Especially now that crime rate is very high in many countries, it's not safe to have your child alone outside of the house. Starving the kid would only cause gastric and other health matters (that would also increase more work load for the adult like taking the kid to the clinic or whatever). So I believe that adults should educate their children in a smart way. (That doesn't mean being a smart-alec or making your child one. It just works the same principle as 'Don't study hard, study smart'.) But please keep a limit, whatever punishment it may be and don't go all sadist on the poor kid. = ='ll You won't want them to go sadist on you when you grow old and feeble. ;)

Apart from all that spanking stuff, I believe that some children are actually grow closer to the caretaker that educates them more rather than the 'oh-so-loving-and-don't-spank' other. But of course there are some that sticks more to the 'oh-so-loving' one especially when the 'scary' one seems to start to grow longer horns. Although so, don't go spanking your children everyday for no apparent reason in hopes that they'll love you more. That WON'T work. xD xD xD

There's also another thing that I heard, supposedly from psychologists, that things get to the males' head more when you talk in a softer or soothing voice, while a louder and forceful voice works for the girls. *shrugs* That's what I heard but I doubt you can directly apply it all the time. Imagine you have 1 girl and 1 boy. You keep shouting at the girl while you talk softly to the boy. Somewhere sometime the girl is going to think that you're prejudiced and loves boys more when it's actually not true but you're doing so thanks to those psychologists or just wanting to try out the idea. (Don't sue me. I'm not forcing an obligation on anybody. It's just a theory, reliable or not.) Or what happens if you have a girl with more male hormones? Now what?? You keep changing your tones between each word? You must sound like a broken horn then. ;p seems that the theory also can't be applied according to voice volume. For example, you're suppose to speak soothingly to a boy. So what happens if that boy is always listening to music blasting out of his earphones that even if you step a mile away, you can still hear the music crystal clear? He's going to be deaf to a certain extend. So here's the thing, you have no choice but to shout. Note 1: that's LOUD. Not soothing. Note 2: But, it is to him 'coz he can't hear it clearly. =D Haha. Confusing, no? ;p

Heheh. Hey peoplez, love can't be divided but love can be delivered soft or hard. ;) So love your children today and every other day. If you don't have children, you always have one within yourself. =) Enjoy. ^^

(Psst..I'm not promoting violence in any way, ok?)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Random Mix of Events

Ugh... Sorry for the lack of updates. My mind is currently not functioning very well (very blur..I even forgot I talked to Lynn on MSN just awhile ago. @@) and my body is currently under repair (not the drastic sort la), thanks to a vigorous weekend Kendo camp I attended last week. Now one of my hand is blistered badly while the other arm is bruised badly around the wrist. Other parts of the body, aching..but not so bad now. x.x

Ok...let's see... I'd not updated anything since I had my so-called-holidays. *flips diary and see what I'd missed* Oh right.... My ACCA results. = = Well..I'm happy with them although they were just marginal passes and fail. Yup, you read it right. A fail. Just one paper, taxation. I'm not to worried about it though. Just gotta do a little more and resit. *nod nod*

What else... I'd been working a lot. That includes my audit work which went all the way down to Melaka. I boycott KFC!! >O Everytime I go outstation for audit work SURE eat KFC. Grrr!!! So sien.. = = That piece of chicken...I even had to return it to the counter for a better one since they gave me a wounded chicken piece. Grrr!!! I'm not going to eat KFC unless I have no choice. = = (Note: McD is ok though. It has not offended me in anyhow until now. In fact, I think I offended it more..I accidentally spilled all the coke down their staircase. <.<>.>)

Hm..I worked part-time the other day at Prince Hotel for some ABRSM seminar for teachers. (ABRSM for those who do not know it, is an examination board for music) Was selling books, packing goods and collecting MONEY~!! Ngehehehehehe~~!! >) Operating the money register was fun!! =D =3 (I use to have a toy money register as a kid where the coins were huge and cute. =D Maybe that's why I'm pursuing my current field of study. =p) The lady boss seems to love mooncake. Oo Everywhere we go also got mooncake. Geng.. @@'ll

Me and the other staff stayed overnight...not in Prince Hotel though (we all wished)...but in some nearby budget hotel (I don't remember the name but it sounded...unique??). I shared the room with 3 other girls. It was suppose to be 2 only but the last one just had to bump in. = = So another had no choice but to sleep on the extra bed (lucky her), while the remaining share the bigger bed (no, we don't get to move about after laying down). But before that...let me relate to you about a bathroom story:

Hotel bathrooms have these shower curtains, right? Where do you put it? Outside or inside of the bathtub? Inside, logically. But the 'bump in' girl placed it outside and came out, telling me that the shower curtain cannot be used. I stared in...nothing seems to be wrong with the what's wrong that made the WHOLE floor wet? *think think think* Voila!! I got the answer and laughed my head off while the rest stared at me wondering if I'd gone mad. I explained to them and hoping the 'bump in' girl would get the idea and be smart the next time she uses the bath by putting in the shower curtain.

Next morning, we all woke up to hear MUSIC coming from the bathroom. That's not just it... When it was my turn, once again, I found the floor WET. And it's FREEZING COLD!! Sigh.. I give up on her la. *waves white flag* Already that night I couldn't sleep well (it's normal for my first nights in any hotel) thanks to all the noise coming from outside the window. Some nightlife people were walking downstairs laughing like maniacs at 4AM in the morning!! *waves fist* Grrr!!! So the overall stay wasn't really pleasant but I shouldn't complain. =x (Too late for that, *points up* =p) But of course, the next day's work with the cash register was a motivational booster of some sort. xD

Next event... The first time I attended a Malay wedding. Oo's rather...interesting that the guests gets to eat before the arrival of the couple. @@'ll That was really shocking. But the reason was because the caterer was worried that he didn't provide enough plates and cutlery for everyone. The next shocking thing was that some people even left after eating and BEFORE the arrival of the happy couple. x.x But maybe they had things to do. Me and my mom had to wait with the other guests for HOURS before the couple came out. = = They sure took REALLY long.

The other thing that got me and my mom worried was our eating manner. Everyone else was using their HANDS!! T.T Of course, we finally got some cutlery. Phew~ =p (Joon Hi, I didn't drink the water from the little kettle on the table. ^^v But I hope the water on the catering table is not the same type of water. @@) When the couple finally decided to pop up, the groom never smiled while walking down the aisle. OO!! I hope he's ok or even happy with his bride. @@'ll May they have a peaceful relationship. >.o

Ok, this post of long enough already. But just to add in the last few stuff. Hm..watched Wall-E. Yeah, I agree it's like watching a COLOURED silent movie. lol =p And tonight...Joon Hi is going back to Ireland. =/ Have a safe trip ya! =D Tomorrow I'm starting classes again.. T.T *walks off wailing about classes*


Friday, August 15, 2008

Likes: Ultraman!! (olo)

Yesh!! I like Ultraman. =3 But I like the cute miniature ones best. ^^ And they must be of perfect proportion, if not I won't like either. =O =p I once got an Ultraman plush from Yin Khuan and Yin Yi. ^^ It head was bigger than the body and it had a sweatdrop too. =D Too bad I can't get a picture. T.T It's...somewhere in the house. <.<>.> My aunt kept it away for me. >.<

Anyway, Ultraman existed even before I was born!! =O Geng.. And many were created since the first and they kept getting more...leng chai. xD I mean...the old ones really look like 'ham dan' or salty egg inEnglish. And they were rather wrinkly. =x Now they have more colours on their uniform and they looked...well ironed. =p =D Although so...the enemies are still so stiff. =x But nevermind la, they aren't important. xD

Since Ultraman originated from Japan, the actors have a custom of praying before any shooting. *nod nod* =3

They also attend certain functions or events. =D Ultraman in formal wear!! ^^

And lastly before I sleep... Gehehehehe... *drum roll*..

TADAA!! One last picture. =p Goodnight. (olo)


I forgot to add this in. Saw this car in SS2 one day. =p Just couldn't resist and had to take a picture of it. Wakakakaka~!! I told my mom I wanted one but she said it's not worth spending on the current Kenari. *nod nod* How true.. >.< So I'll just stare at other people's car for now!! =D *grins, stare~~ stare~~ stare~~*

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Didn't really have the mood to blog...either that I was TOO lazy. >.< I recently recovered from fever but I think there's leftovers, threatening to arise whenever possible or just inviting other neighbouring illnesses to take over instead. And therefore I end up having difficult times coughing a lot especially at night when it doesn't seem to stop. = = I thank my uncle for providing those yummy, cooling Strepsils!! T.T Thank you, Life Saver~!! >.< =p (I just pray I don't cough just as badly tonight.. >.>)

On Monday, my mom was admitted to the hospital..(chill people!! Don't panic yet!! OO'll) do some minor surgery. She'd done it before few years ago. It's basically scraping off unwanted/excessive tissue from the uterus. =x I was kinda worried at first since she looked rather sickly on that day itself. (Maybe it's because she's aching all over + she was fasting before the operation =/)

But it was also quite funny. When she got her room (shared by 3 others), it was a maternity ward (since it has to do with...genitals? XD) ...and there was a nursery nearby. So there were lotsa babies around. I told my mom that I'll pray for her so that she may sleep that night...coz all when the babies cry...that's it!! She groaned at the thought. LOL =p Me evils.. >) Oh! There's also orientation for entering a hospital. lol It was rather shocking to hear it from the nurse. We were like.."Huh?!" =p The orientation was just to show my mom the stuff around her bed. XD

I went off later to Pyramid to lepak while waiting for the next visiting time. Watched 'Meet Dave'. =p And was playing arcade games like mad... XD But that's also because JH's arm pain. =x When I got back to the hospital, my mom ngam-ngam woke up. She was in her surgical coat. It only covers the front. The back not covered, so the comment from the nurses.."Terlalu sexy la." XD Had to help my mom wear another coat to cover the back. Poor JH had to step out of the room coz my mom shy. XD XD But his step out of the room = step out of the curtained range and stand next to the toilet where my mom wants to go with her coats. XD XD Wrong place to stand la.. =p

My mom was telling stories about what happened when we went off and she was to go for the surgery. Mentioned that the "noob" nurse was "bumper-car"ing her bed when stirring to the surgery room. XD Then again, the corridor has a lot of turnings and there was ongoing construction. =x Later at the surgery room, my mom told the doctor to give her more anaesthetic so she could sleep longer. Her excuse: "I lack sleep." XD XD Their meals menu is geng le... =x They get to pick what they want to eat. So this is how private hospitals service their patients. = = Mom said the staff there are very nice too. =) (No..I don't wanna stay in the hospital to try out their service. >.<)

The next day, my mom was out already. (She only stayed overnight to claim insurance. =x XD) She's ok. So nothing to worry about. Yay! =)

Hm...what else to add... Oh, my aunt from Australia is back to visit. However, I got home the other day just to find out that she's so bored until she started doing housework for us. XD XD

Hm eh eh... I don't have classes for two weeks starting from next week. YAHOO!! XD But gotta work.. = = Make MONEY~~ >p And watch OLYMPICS!!! >D I want Astro.. =x The horrible TV1 keeps cutting in between to put advertisements. I missed so much of the opening ceremony that my uncle had to download it to watch. T.T Hehehehe... *go stocks up on snacks to eat for Olympic game sessions*

Friday, August 1, 2008

Quiz: The SEME or UKE Quiz

Well, since I'd been lazy lately. I just thought of posting this randomness. =p Got the quiz from Chooi Yee's blog. Hehehehehe >p And the results is pretty~ ^^ >D


You scored as a The Breaker SEME

You are the most imaginative, helpful, and strong-hearted SEME out there. You can be quiet and helpful at the same time which is a rarity. You're good at listening to others and you don't deny their ideas. One thing you can't stand is seeing someone sad, crying, or otherwise unhappy. Those who think you're shy aren't always the most right but it's true you don't need to talk much unless you have something important to say.

You would be paired with the Sorrowful UKE because everyone needs a shoulder to cry on and you're just the guy/gal for the job. It's best to avoid the Homicidal SEME but even if you do that it's easy for someone as calm and helpful as you to get mixed up in the schemes of the certain Devilish UKE. You are truly best placed with the Gentle SEME as a buddy.

For my last info, I have to say that you really don't mind and will go with the flow - whatever your partner is into is fine by you but considering who you're best matched with I'd say that they'd be too scared to do anything out of the ordinary. Give them a little nudge to let 'em know it's alright, okay?

The Breaker SEME

The Gentle SEME

The Optimistic UKE

The Sorrowful UKE

The Homicidal SEME

The Devilish UKE



Here's the link to the quiz if you're up to it. =p Have Fun!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The EYE~~ The EYE~~ Gah~~!!

LOL Sorry, was having fun with the title of the post. =p But yeah, it says it ALL. xD Just wanna share a few pictures. =3 I took three pictures of the sun one misty/cloudy evening after I got home. (Note: They were taken with different camera effects, or so it seems =p)

Well...I did thought they looked like an eye. (That was also the reason I took them >.>) And reminds me of LORD SAURON!! >D (From Lord of the Rings)

Wakakakakaka!!! I just had to put that up. =p The sun's not above a tower though.. But I did get a nice specimen that has both elements together. Wakakakakaa!!! >D

Just got it from google'ing. Apparently that building is a church. xD But it's a good shot and very nice too. =3 Ok, that's all the random'ness I got for today. xD ^^ (No, I'm not high. I swear...I think. xD)