Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quiz: Personality Quiz

Heheh I got this from Lynn's blog. =p (Yeah, I'm stealing quizzes besides emoticons now. xD) Seems ok. Just tried it out for fun. xp I assume it's rather accurate? You be the judge. ;)


Your Result

You are a very balanced person. You know when to be funny and crazy but also when to be serious and smart. People look up to you because of your intelligence and leadership skills. People often go to you for advice or just to have fun. You have a lot of friends but only a few close friends. You probably like to just tell people what your thinking to express yourself.

You are very comfortable with who you are and aren't afraid to say what you think. You have probably been in love and understand that it has its ups and downs. You aren't afraid of the future although you know it won't be an easy experience. People see you as a kind, smart, funny, opinionated person.

Color: Orange (Oooo..)

Animal: Eagle (Yes! >D I like eagles. =3)

Quote: "You can take the kid from the fight but cant take the fight from the kid." (Hey, at least I'm not bullying the kid myself. <.<>.> xp)

Strength: Comfortable with who you are. (Hm...I guess. =) )

Weakness: Brutally honest (Eh..sorry to those who got any brutally honest remarks from me then. =/ But you most likely deserved it. *hums* xp )



Go ahead and try it out. =D No harm. xp Enjoy~! =3

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