Tuesday, June 30, 2009

21st B'day : Wishes

It's the beginning of the week...just few more days and by Friday, it'll be it. Yet I sitting here with no plans made just yet for the big day. Oddly I don't seem very bothered (probably I'm just too tired from working spree). But I'm gonna be thick skinned and list some things I want. =p (Hey, it's my 21st. So I get to ask for specifics no? xp) Kekekekeke


What I really want:~

A simple hug from everyone.


*cough* I have a feeling it might shock many. But I'm just being honest. =) Besides, it's priceless to me and costless to you. ;) It's a win-win situation! >D And I'll try and keep count of how many I got. =D ^^ (psst...other gifts are a bonus. ;p)

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