Sunday, June 7, 2009

Post-exam Period...What's Next?

I'm glad to say that my exams are over for now and I intend to take at least 3 months break and concentrate on my work. However...holidays started a little differently.

First, just a few days before my exams, I discovered an 'exchange student program' to Busan, South Korea. So I'm trying my luck. Therefore the first few days of holidays were spent fusing about the application, answering long questions and typing a 500 word statement. @@ Well, I hope it works. =x If I get through the interviews as well (that is if I'm shortlisted to get it), I'll be away from September to August next year. Yeah, it's a 1 year trip. It'll be nice. =) Now I just need to... *prays*

Second, I was suppose to start my full-time work with my boss....but....he's on a holiday. = ='ll Grrr... Good also. I get to spend time doing other stuff. xp

Third, what else have I been doing really? Random stuff....accounts, house chores, going out..a lil..etc etc. Ugh..I probably should go catch a movie. Oh!! And it's HORRIBLY HOT!!! T.T I want air-cond. *wails*

Well...that's all for the current update. xp *lazy to type*

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