Friday, August 15, 2008

Likes: Ultraman!! (olo)

Yesh!! I like Ultraman. =3 But I like the cute miniature ones best. ^^ And they must be of perfect proportion, if not I won't like either. =O =p I once got an Ultraman plush from Yin Khuan and Yin Yi. ^^ It head was bigger than the body and it had a sweatdrop too. =D Too bad I can't get a picture. T.T It's...somewhere in the house. <.<>.> My aunt kept it away for me. >.<

Anyway, Ultraman existed even before I was born!! =O Geng.. And many were created since the first and they kept getting more...leng chai. xD I mean...the old ones really look like 'ham dan' or salty egg inEnglish. And they were rather wrinkly. =x Now they have more colours on their uniform and they looked...well ironed. =p =D Although so...the enemies are still so stiff. =x But nevermind la, they aren't important. xD

Since Ultraman originated from Japan, the actors have a custom of praying before any shooting. *nod nod* =3

They also attend certain functions or events. =D Ultraman in formal wear!! ^^

And lastly before I sleep... Gehehehehe... *drum roll*..

TADAA!! One last picture. =p Goodnight. (olo)


I forgot to add this in. Saw this car in SS2 one day. =p Just couldn't resist and had to take a picture of it. Wakakakaka~!! I told my mom I wanted one but she said it's not worth spending on the current Kenari. *nod nod* How true.. >.< So I'll just stare at other people's car for now!! =D *grins, stare~~ stare~~ stare~~*

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Didn't really have the mood to blog...either that I was TOO lazy. >.< I recently recovered from fever but I think there's leftovers, threatening to arise whenever possible or just inviting other neighbouring illnesses to take over instead. And therefore I end up having difficult times coughing a lot especially at night when it doesn't seem to stop. = = I thank my uncle for providing those yummy, cooling Strepsils!! T.T Thank you, Life Saver~!! >.< =p (I just pray I don't cough just as badly tonight.. >.>)

On Monday, my mom was admitted to the hospital..(chill people!! Don't panic yet!! OO'll) do some minor surgery. She'd done it before few years ago. It's basically scraping off unwanted/excessive tissue from the uterus. =x I was kinda worried at first since she looked rather sickly on that day itself. (Maybe it's because she's aching all over + she was fasting before the operation =/)

But it was also quite funny. When she got her room (shared by 3 others), it was a maternity ward (since it has to do with...genitals? XD) ...and there was a nursery nearby. So there were lotsa babies around. I told my mom that I'll pray for her so that she may sleep that night...coz all when the babies cry...that's it!! She groaned at the thought. LOL =p Me evils.. >) Oh! There's also orientation for entering a hospital. lol It was rather shocking to hear it from the nurse. We were like.."Huh?!" =p The orientation was just to show my mom the stuff around her bed. XD

I went off later to Pyramid to lepak while waiting for the next visiting time. Watched 'Meet Dave'. =p And was playing arcade games like mad... XD But that's also because JH's arm pain. =x When I got back to the hospital, my mom ngam-ngam woke up. She was in her surgical coat. It only covers the front. The back not covered, so the comment from the nurses.."Terlalu sexy la." XD Had to help my mom wear another coat to cover the back. Poor JH had to step out of the room coz my mom shy. XD XD But his step out of the room = step out of the curtained range and stand next to the toilet where my mom wants to go with her coats. XD XD Wrong place to stand la.. =p

My mom was telling stories about what happened when we went off and she was to go for the surgery. Mentioned that the "noob" nurse was "bumper-car"ing her bed when stirring to the surgery room. XD Then again, the corridor has a lot of turnings and there was ongoing construction. =x Later at the surgery room, my mom told the doctor to give her more anaesthetic so she could sleep longer. Her excuse: "I lack sleep." XD XD Their meals menu is geng le... =x They get to pick what they want to eat. So this is how private hospitals service their patients. = = Mom said the staff there are very nice too. =) (No..I don't wanna stay in the hospital to try out their service. >.<)

The next day, my mom was out already. (She only stayed overnight to claim insurance. =x XD) She's ok. So nothing to worry about. Yay! =)

Hm...what else to add... Oh, my aunt from Australia is back to visit. However, I got home the other day just to find out that she's so bored until she started doing housework for us. XD XD

Hm eh eh... I don't have classes for two weeks starting from next week. YAHOO!! XD But gotta work.. = = Make MONEY~~ >p And watch OLYMPICS!!! >D I want Astro.. =x The horrible TV1 keeps cutting in between to put advertisements. I missed so much of the opening ceremony that my uncle had to download it to watch. T.T Hehehehe... *go stocks up on snacks to eat for Olympic game sessions*

Friday, August 1, 2008

Quiz: The SEME or UKE Quiz

Well, since I'd been lazy lately. I just thought of posting this randomness. =p Got the quiz from Chooi Yee's blog. Hehehehehe >p And the results is pretty~ ^^ >D


You scored as a The Breaker SEME

You are the most imaginative, helpful, and strong-hearted SEME out there. You can be quiet and helpful at the same time which is a rarity. You're good at listening to others and you don't deny their ideas. One thing you can't stand is seeing someone sad, crying, or otherwise unhappy. Those who think you're shy aren't always the most right but it's true you don't need to talk much unless you have something important to say.

You would be paired with the Sorrowful UKE because everyone needs a shoulder to cry on and you're just the guy/gal for the job. It's best to avoid the Homicidal SEME but even if you do that it's easy for someone as calm and helpful as you to get mixed up in the schemes of the certain Devilish UKE. You are truly best placed with the Gentle SEME as a buddy.

For my last info, I have to say that you really don't mind and will go with the flow - whatever your partner is into is fine by you but considering who you're best matched with I'd say that they'd be too scared to do anything out of the ordinary. Give them a little nudge to let 'em know it's alright, okay?

The Breaker SEME

The Gentle SEME

The Optimistic UKE

The Sorrowful UKE

The Homicidal SEME

The Devilish UKE



Here's the link to the quiz if you're up to it. =p Have Fun!